Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

Speech Contest, The Truth Revealed

            Pagi yang cerah di kampus dengan udara segar yang masih bisa menembus ke paru-paru, aku duduk di deretan kursi depan yang terdiri dari beberapa baris. Pagi ku tak terlalu tenang karena riuhnya suara yang keluar dari pengeras suara. Ya, pagi hari ini diadakan suatu perlombaan tepatnya “Speech Contest”.
            Deretan kursi yang tadinya hanya ku duduki sendiri ternyata telah diisi setengah penuh oleh teman-teman kelas ku, tak kusadari karena menarik dan ironisnya isi materi yang disampaikan oleh para kontestan yang menegaskan materi mereka menggunakan bahasa inggris.
            Suddenly I don’t wanna continue enjoying my morning calmness and even don’t care everything around just focused on the materials from contestant of the competition. I interested about it because they said so many sulution about human right violation, but the violations still be going on around us.
            Every word thats come out from their mouth about the problem solution its only just for compititions without realization. Like one of contestant said “we need to follow a good step with a good people and avoid bad environtment”, its just feels like faking perfection, i think “why we need to avoid the bad environtment? Why we aren’t change that bad word? So we don’t have to avoid every environmet, moreever if we still have bad environtment, of course we’ll never stop many kind of violance, because violances come from that bad environment.”
            I’m listen to each contestant till I felt enough about that faking and the clock shows 9.45 AM, I need to go back to class because I need to follow another subject. In the class I still remember about the competition and their speech. I see each my friends some of them have economics problem, “economic problem is an human right violation?” I wonder.
            After the class I go to the places that I can think about that speech contest, it will disturb my brain all day long. I remember the victims of human right that spreads on the big city.
            I think its enough then, I walk around campus and see Frans says “whats up fella? Why your forehead looks waving?”. “oh hi ma bro,its looks like that?” I try to shows pleasing face. “come on man don’t show faker face to me, i know ya, what are you thinkin’ about?” said Frans while clap my shoulder. “okay my friends, are you rememmber competition this morning” I said. “yeah my bro, and?” Frans said. ”i just thinking about them, they shows like they have every problem to make didappear all of the human right violation, but you know what? There is no action of that, its only just for the competition, its egoist” I said. “okay i got it bro, don’t try to pick up all the problem over the world by yourself in your shoulder, you’re too small and the world too big and cruel, you think like that because you only focused on the bad thing, if you looks deeply, there are so many organisations that still run for human right with the solution we heard from contestant of speech contest this morning, maybe they aren’t yet to solve that problem but you need to slow down, do what you can do for human right , even small action can be help for somebody, that is what you only need to do for now, you got it ma bro?” Frans said with smilling face. I speechless for a moment and think “wow I just realized it, i never think about that, he is absolutely right”. “wow you are the best ma bro, come on I treat you a cup of coffee today” with smiling face I said.
            We always think why everything is going wrong and wanna solve it even though it such a big think like war. All we need to solve it just calm down. Why calm down? Because if we just calm down at least it will not make any problem, but its better for us to start help each other with small help, at least it helps to decrease the big problem.

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