Sabtu, 11 Maret 2017

How to defeat bad idea but you want to do

     Sometimes we bored of all we get everyday, we need something new that makes our life change. And we get some think in our mind to do. And some idea isn't good at all, but you'll think it's more fun and satisfied than you do the other good idea.

     You'll start imagine how fun if you do that bad idea, but you know there's always have a risk in every bad idea. you'll confused with this, you want to do that but you feel scared with the risk at the same time. I know it's hard, our heart want to do but our mind be like "no, think how if you get the problem". Some people like don't care about the risk, they just think they are having fun with that. About the risk? they just think that they get the fun first and problem will comes in the end.

     Believe that we're always have a solution for every problem that we face to, if you ever think about bad idea. Just remember how bad the risk you'll get and think how about the feeling our closest person. I never say that you have to always follow your heart, heart is just give you a feel that isn't always right, but mind will give you the best way to do, mind know what is good for you or not.

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